Off-The-Plan Project FAQS

Long-Term Peace of Mind

Building guarantees and appliance warranties are on offer for a 6-to-10-year period providing any buyer with long-term peace of mind.

Sustainable Development

Our developers have sustainability in mind when briefing the design team for any new development, including cost saving additions and saving our precious planet.

Personalised Living Spaces

Our developers offer customisation opportunities or bespoking allowing you to make personalised changes for most off-the-plan purchases. Enjoy your new home from the first day of moving in, without the need to then suffer through costly renovations or borrow additional monies to pay for it.

Transparent Pricing

Our off the plan apartment or townhouses will be at a fixed price rather than a quoted forecast range. Prior sales within the building also give our buyers social proof that the price on offer accords with market value.

Financial Incentives

Stamp duty savings and first homeowner grants. Depending upon your individual circumstances, buying off the plan could save you tens of thousands of dollars in unnecessary expenses and taxes. This allows you to borrow less and take years off your mortgage.

For further information about the off the plan duty concession & the First Home Owners Grant, click here

Extended Savings Period

Additional time to save. Often the time between the day of sale and a call to settlement will be in excess of twelve months. This allows you to save more, borrow less and pocket the difference.

Capital Growth Opportunity

In a rising market the time between buying your new property and settlement may allow for a period of capital growth. If you have a property you need to then sell, it may be financially beneficial to delay selling until you can potentially coincide the two settlements.

Brand New Living Spaces

Off-the-plan properties have never been lived in, ensuring a fresh start for homeowners.